之前介紹過專門出產Blanc de Blancs 白中白嘅Côté des Blanc 及Blanc de Noirs 嘅Côté des Bar,當然唔少得介紹製造香檳嘅三種法定葡萄嘅最後一種: Meunier 。以前個名係Pinot Meunier, 但科學分析下,原來與Pinot冇乜親戚關係,所以自己獨立叫Meunier 。
Meunier嘅特性係給予香檳aromatic 香氣及fruity果味,無需要長時間陳年,非常之food friendly。所以通常一支香檳如果突出呢d特性,佢嘅Meunier成分就應該相對高啲。例子就係Krug嘅NV, 佢用Meunier嘅份量係比其他producers 高。
Taillet 家族一直從事葡萄樹的種植。1956年,在Marne Valley , Daniel Taillet 喺稱為 Le Bois de Binson嘅地方種植了Meunier , 1961年造出第一枝Taillet香檳上市。1995年,Eric Taillet接替他父親Daniel,為酒莊獲得優異嘅成績,並創立左Meunier Institute (M.I.),聯同其他志同道合一齊推廣Meunier呢種葡萄。
今天,Eric將葡萄園變成100%的Meunier 皇國。葡萄園佔地5.75公頃,樹齡平均屬老樹的45歲。延伸至Baslieux sous Chatillon。位於Marne Valley嘅Vallée de la Marne,喺呢度Meunier 係至高無上的,雖然Chardonnay 和 Pinot Noir 也可以在這裡找到。
Eric呢位充滿激情的完美主義者 , 就好似Meunier咁具有強烈的個性, 佢希望在他的每一款香檳中都能保留一種典型的風格,從第一口開始就能識別出來。Eric追求自然,釀酒過程吾用filtration, 以保持香檳嘅風味。 Reserve wine 用Solera, 現時已經集合9個vintages在內,非常complex。
The Taillet family has always been involved in the cultivation of the vine, however
the elaboration of Champagne began a little later. The vines were maintained to
produce beautiful, healthy and quality grapes. It was not until Daniel Taillet that the
first bottles were marketed. We are in 1961 and the Taillet House is born.
The story is launched.…. it is in 1995 that Eric Taillet takes over from his father,
continuing to cultivate his vines with respect, to maintain them in order to obtain
exceptional harvests. Today, he has the chance to share this passion with his two
children, Dylan and Léna, the most beautiful of rewards.