
葡萄園位於Bouzy嘅P Louis Martin!


酒莊始於1864年,始創人Louis Martin Bouzy 村嘅酒農協會主席,現時已經傳到家族4代。葡萄園只有10公頃,90%以上係Pinot noir, 加少量Meunier Chardonnay.  每年出產約6萬支香檳及少量Bouzy Rouge (still red wine). I Love Bubbles 老闆當年去Champagne 區已發現佢係好嘢,可惜由於產量少,莊主未願意出口到香港。今年喺老闆再三游說下,終於得到莊主首肯,願意比I Love Bubbles小量帶返香港!


Yeah! 點解咁特別?

1.因為表示I ❤️Bubbles 又帶比大家另一Terroirs! 首先Bouzy 係高質素、 歷史悠久、出名嘅Grand Cru

2.而且係主要種Pinot Noir (小編嘅Favourite!)

3. 而且佢又係RM (Recoltant-Manipulant)(ie Grower Champagne)

4.再加上已取得HVE 最高Level 3 Cert,代表種植及製作過程均對環境有所貢獻!


 Founded in 1864

Located in Bouzy, one of the 17 prestigious

Grand Cru Villages

Family owned, 4 generations of winemakers

Grower Champagne (RM) - 10 hectares of


Micro production of 60 000 bottles per year

Range comprising several Grand Cru


House producing the famous and renowned

Bouzy red, only still red wine from Champagne

Exported to 20 markets